1 billion users in 100 countries

VideoMost H.323-Gateway Solution

H.323 is a recommendation from the ITU Telecommunication Standardization Sector (ITU-T) that defines the protocols to provide audio-visual communication sessions on any packet network. The H.323 standard addresses call signaling and control, multimedia transport and control, and bandwidth control for point-to-point and multi-point conferences.

It is widely implemented by voice and videoconferencing equipment manufacturers and is widely deployed worldwide by service providers and enterprises for both voice and video services over IP networks.

VideoMost H.323-Gateway software interworking capability enables multimedia products and applications from multiple vendors to interoperate and allows users to communicate without interoperability boundaries.

VideoMost H.323 gateway is an endpoint on a LAN that provides real-time, two-way communication between H.323 terminals and other SIP terminals or video conferences.

VideoMost-H.323-Gateway features:

  • Utilizes standard H.323 terminal as end user device in your communication platform
  • Allows H.323 devices to participate in multipoint video conferences
  • 264 video codec (up to Full HD 1080p)
  • Receive multiple connections simultaneously
  • Conversion SIP calls from / to H.323 terminals
  • 323 Gatekeeper support
  • Load balancing of calls using the H.323 gateway

To integrate VideoMost H.323 into your application or service please fill request below:

    or send us an email at sales@spiritdsp.com

    Other components for IP voice and video calling apps provided by SPIRIT: